natural medicine centre
wonthaggi leongatha
john gemmill & associates
(03) 5672 2692 or (03) 5662 5644

Remedial Massage
When muscles and tendons become damaged or impaired, knotted and tense or immobile, Remedial Massage provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow. Remedial massage holistically treats the whole body and traces the discomfort as far as possible back to the original cause, healing both the cause of the disorder as well as the symptoms.
It uses several specialised techniques to locate and repair damage and to support and speed up the body's own repair mechanisms. The massage is applied directly to the skin using a lubricating medium, usually oil, which ensures that the muscles associated with the disorder and mobilisation of the joint are deeply penetrated. Passive stretching moves are also used.
Key benefits of Remedial Massage include: the stimulation to the blood supply allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed; the calming of the peripheral nervous system to ease pain and discomfort; and the toning and relaxing of muscles to improve joint mobility. An improvement to the health of the cells, the repairing of tissues, and the easing of stiffness and tension can also be experienced through therapeutic relaxation.Muscular and skeletal dysfunctions often addressed with Remedial Massage include Fibrositis, Spondylitis, Arthritis, frozen shoulder, muscular cramps, Whiplash, muscular atrophy, sports and dancing injuries.
Traditional Chinese Massage
Chinese Massage encompasses five related and overlapping treatment components:
Amno, press and rub – Massage for rejuvenation and health maintenance.
Tuina, push and grasp – Sophisticated medical massage used to treat injuries, joint and muscle problems and internal disorders.
Infant Tuina – Chinese treatment for babies and young children. This differs to standard treatment.
Dian Xue, point press – Use of simple pressure techniques similar to acupressure.
Wai Qi Liao Fa, curing with external qi (energy) – Healing with direct transmission by qigong masters after many years of rigorous training and discipline.
Central to all components exists the idea that massage affects the physical body with the Qi body (network of energy) and the mental body (emotions, thoughts and spiritual senses). Chinese Massage primarily focuses on acupoints where Qi gathers and can be easily manipulated. Massage techniques are understood to activate and regulate Qi and blood as well as to promote relaxation which eases spasms, increases flexibility and straightens the joints.
Since pain is considered a lack of free flow of Qi and blood, Chinese Massage treatment creates movement and is therefore seen as a powerful treatment for pain relief.
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